Nutritional Buying Guide
Whether you are a coach, parent, or player these are my favorite nutritional finds for athletes that I would buy again and again after 11 years of coaching full time.
Choosing the right supplements is hard.
Helpful links and buying guides for coaches, parents, and players looking for a little help.
If you are going to spend your money, do it right the first time.
Let’s make sure you have all the facts and pick the right equipment before making such important investments.
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Having a background in fitness since childhood I have tried ALL the trendy products and brands seen on Instagram claiming to produce results fast. I used to only look at the nutritional label, only caring what macros it had and how much protein a product contained. It wasn’t until I finally figured out that the products that were claiming to make me fit and healthy were actually the ones that were making me sick. I started to actually read and research ingredient labels, and was blown away by the amount of crap and inflammatory ingredients in our so called ‘healthy’ foods.
Now, I am a firm believer in making sure that we understand the ingredients in our food and keeping it as simple as we can, especially for our young athletes. Food is fuel, and by fueling our bodies as efficiently as possible will only help our performance in the short term and in long run. By sticking to foods that are minimally processed, we keep both our bodies, our guts, and our muscles happy.
Nontoxic, organic products are inherently more expensive because they use quality ingredients, but healthy doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. These are my favorite products that are accessible and affordable to anyone trying to improve their health and performance on the field.
For now, these are my favorite on the go ‘softball player’ favorites that are a staple of mine when I play and coach. I’ll keep adding more items if there’s an interest!

GoMacro MacroBar Organic Vegan Protein Bars
ALOHA Organic Plant Based Protein Bars

I am not vegan, but the majority of the artificial and highly processed ingredients in MOST whey protein powders does more damage to our guts and overall health than they’re sometimes worth. Whether you are plant based or lactose intolerant, here are two fantastic vegan options for athletes looking to get their protein fixes!
Truvani - Plant Based Protein Powder
Ora Organic - Vegan Protein Powder
A quick blurb about Whey Protein Powders and the differences between Whey Protein and Whey Protein Isolate or Concentrate!
At first glance it may seem like the two protein powders listed below are so similar that the differences may not matter… but keep reading below to learn how whey protein powder and isolate each provide unique benefits!
The main difference is that each has different amounts of lactose (a sugar found in milk) and fat, depending on its intended use.
Whey protein is a byproduct derived when milk is processed to make cheese or yogurt. Due to the high content of fast-digesting proteins, whey protein is a popular option for supplemental protein intake. This nutritionally complete protein is packed with all the amino acids you need to build muscle, lose weight, or accelerate recovery after a hard workout. A good, high quality, whey protein should have around a 80% protein content with higher amounts of fat, carbohydrates, and lactose.
When separated from milk, whey can be processed into whey concentrate and whey isolate. Both whey concentrate and whey isolate are often touted as the undisputed kings of the protein powder world due to their high-quality proteins. Whey Isolate is processed to reduce its fat, calories, and lactose content, leaving around 90% protein. Whey protein isolate may be better for people who have trouble digesting lactose (lactose intolerance), or if you are trying to increase your protein intake without the extra calories or fat, this form of protein would be for you. Whey Isolate and Concentrate are typically higher in price than normal whey protein powder in its simplest form.
If you’re comparing whey protein vs isolates on Amazon or other websites please be careful. There are so many options that it can be overwhelming – but the overall takeaway from this page should be to keep it as simple as possible. ALWAYS CHECK THE INGREDIENTS! IF there are ingredients on the label that you can’t pronounce or aren’t sure what they are DON’T buy them! Artificial flavors, fillers and gums are also a HUGE red flag for ANY product you are putting in your body!
Promix - Whey Protein Powder
5lb Bulk (61 Servings)
Promix - Whey Protein Isolate Powder
5lb Bulk (55 Servings)

REDMOND Re-Lyte Electrolyte Drink Mix
REDMOND Re-Lyte Immunity & Multivitamin Supplement Mix
At the diamond and off, it’s important to fuel your body as effectively as possible. Sometimes the best answer is the simple one. The above products are great for players on the go – but always remember that a simple banana, orange, or a handful of almonds can also be great options for in between innings and games.

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